This is an unpublished draft preview that might include content that is not yet approved. The published website is at

What We're Working On
Accessibility Activities and Publications
W3C WAI, Updated March 2022


We hope you’ll find accessibility work on this page that you are interested in contributing to through W3C WAI. After each item is the acronym of the responsible Working Group (WG) and some Task Forces (TF), so you know where to look if you want to participate. That information is later in this page — first, let’s look at some of the work itself.

Current Work Highlights

Updating Core Guidelines and Other Standards

Developing New Standards

Documenting Additional Guidance for People with Cognitive Disabilities, Low Vision, and Mobile Devices

Defining User Requirements (AUR) and Emerging Technologies

Documenting the user needs of people with disabilities helps develop standards to meet those needs. It also helps designers, developers, and others better understand and meet user needs in order to support accessibility.

Teaching Accessibility

Curricula on Web Accessibility is a framework to build your own courses. It currently includes modules for foundations for everyone, for developers, and for designers. We’re currently working on modules for content authors. Existing Curricula, Content Authors rough draft outline [EOWG]

Testing Accessibility

WCAG 2 Test Rules (also known as ACT Rules) describe how to test conformance to WCAG success criteria. They are primarily for developers of evaluation tools and test methodologies. We’re documenting more. About WCAG 2 Test Rules [AG WG, ACT TF]

Upcoming Publications

The following are just a few of the documents that are getting close to publication. Q2 is April, May, June. To learn about “Candidate Recommendation” (CR), “Proposed Recommendation” (PR), and other stages, see How WAI Develops Accessibility Standards through the W3C Process: Milestones and Opportunities to Contribute.

Get Updated

To get news via e-mail, Twitter, or Atom/RSS feed when these and other accessibility documents are ready for review or published as final, see Get WAI News.

Wait, Wait, There’s More

This page only lists about half of the active work on accessibility at W3C. Much of the work happens in the accessibility groups that are introduced in the W3C Working Groups page.

To learn more about what that the Working Groups are working on right now, see:

Surprise! We already have a resource for that

Did you know the W3C WAI website has: videos, tips, tutorials, tools, translations, a free online course, and so much more. There are resources for content authors, designers, developers, evaluators, testers, managers, policy makers, trainers, educators, web users, advocates, and people with disabilities.

To discover existing accessibility resources that you didn’t even know about, see WAI Resources. We encourage you to find resources that you might be interested in reading, contributing to, and sharing with others.

How to Get Involved

To learn about contributing to this work generally, see Participating in WAI.

Links to each Working Group’s “How to Participate” page are in the Participating in Working Groups section.

If you are interested in a Task Force, see participation information for the parent Working Group.

We also have some ideas for Promoting and Implementing Web Accessibility.

We look forward to your contributions to making the web more accessible to people with disabilities!

Who is We

“We” is:

Making the Web Accessible

Strategies, standards, and supporting resources to help you make the Web more accessible to people with disabilities.


The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops international standards for the Web: HTML, CSS, and many more.


The W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) develops standards and support materials to help you understand and implement accessibility.


You can use W3C WAI resources to make your websites, applications, and other digital creations more accessible and usable to everyone.

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This is an unpublished draft preview that might include content that is not yet approved. The published website is at